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1. A map of our itinerary

Shelley Dark

Eeeeeek. The secret squirrel page! This is so exciting. Not only a wonderful trip to look forward to, but your company as well! I am so grateful for your faith in me - I'll do my utmost to make this experience live up to your expectations. But no misbehaviour in the limousine please, or any lost passports, thank you. -:)

For the last few years, I've thought many times that I would love to see Istanbul. You know how certain places just pull you? Often when I have seen a photo of a beautiful building, it has turned out to be in Istanbul. It's always seemed so mysterious, so exotic, such an amazing place with such a rich history. Populated by so many different civilisations, all of whom added something. And always at the centre of history.

And Barcelona! I've never been there either, and the very thought of Gaudi architecture has my pulse racing! Wanting to see these two cities drove my itinerary for this trip. And once I'd decided that, then ending in Paris was always a given. There are dear friends I want to see, and Paris itself. Sigh. There is always Paris.

So, our itinerary is set - we leave Brisbane 27th September, and we touch down Ataturk Airport, Istanbul before dawn 28th September. We'll have a week to explore Istanbul, and then we fly to Cappadocia, Izmir, and Denizli before returning to Istanbul. On to Barcelona for a couple of days, and then to a country cottage west of Paris. And a week in Paris! Leaving for home again 23rd October. And all in the company of my old mate Carolyn, a longstanding (avoiding old!) and dear girlfriend. It's all falling into place beautifully!

Oh and by the way, I made the itinerary map in Iphoto (for mac users) - it's quite easy - just google it and you'll find instructions. I'll do a few posts before we leave with a fuller itinerary and other info for you. When I do, you'll get another email as you did for this one. But the password will remain the same each time. I hope it all goes to plan - I think I told you, I made my own website and I'm new to the technology of automatic emails. Let me know if there is anything goes wrong, or if there is any information you'd particularly like.

So please chatter away in here, and don't hesitate to leave comments - I will read them all. I may not have time to answer them all on the trip itself. I am filled with trepidation at what I'm taking on, but I'm also exhilarated. It's going to be a steep learning curve as we go along! But whatever happens, I know it's going to be wonderful fun.

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